HencoopComparing of individual feed, water intake and excretion of hens kept in intelligent hencoop under different photoperiodsThe Effect of Layer Breeder Hencoop Enriched With Different Materials on Spermatological Parameters (Farklı Materyallerle Zenginle...Effect of Hencoop Positions in a Henhouse with Windows on the Production Performance of Breeding-henWilcox's Folding HencoopManaged Care Managing Breast Cancer: DCIS as the Paradigm (The Fox Is Guarding the Chickencoop!)The Baumann prospect Chickencoop Canyon, Tulare County, CaliforniaBaumann Prospect: Chickencoop Canyon, Tulare County, California, TheThe Railroad as Message in Maxine Hong Kingston's China Men and Frank Chin's "Riding the Rails with Chickencoop Slim"On the Construction of Chinese Identity in "Chickencoop Chinaman": From the Perspective of Social Semiotics