The Use of Recombinant Pseudotype Virus-Like Particles Harbouring Inserted Target Antigen to Generate Antibodies against Cellular Ma...hepadnavirusHepadnavirusFormation of the pool of covalently closed circular viral DNA in hepadnavirus-infected cells.Frequent activation of N-myc genes by hepadnavirus insertion in woodchuck liver tumoursElevated expression of the miR-17-92 polycistron and miR-21 in hepadnavirus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma contributes to the m...The covalently closed duplex form of the hepadnavirus genome exists in situ as a heterogeneous population of viral minichromosomesHepadnavirus envelope proteins regulate covalently closed circular DNA amplification.Hepadnavirus assembly and reverse transcription require a multi-component chaperone complex which is incorporated into nucleocapsids.Hepadnavirus P protein utilizes a tyrosine residue in the TP domain to prime reverse transcription.