Heroines of sport: the politics of difference and identity.Heroines, villains and victims: older people's perceptions of othersVictims and Heroines: Women, Welfare and the Egyptian StateThe role of the heroines in Restoration and Augustan dramaVocation and desire : George Eliot's heroinesMundane heroines: Conflict, Ethnicity, Gender, and Female Headship in Eastern Sri LankaGender in Play on the Shakespearean Stage: Boy Heroines and Female Pages by Michael ShapiroLocal water rights and local water user entities: the unsung heroines of water resource management in TanzaniaImages of Animated Others: The Orientalization of Disney's Cartoon Heroines From The Little Mermaid to The Hunchback of Notre Dame“Amazons and military maids:” An examination of female military heroines in British literature and the changing construction of ge...