Histaminase[Histaminase][Histaminase].Activities of L-dopa decarboxylase and diamine oxidase (histaminase) in human lung cancers and decarboxylase as a marker for small (...Histaminase and related amine oxidasesVariable content of histaminase, L-dopa decarboxylase and calcitonin in small-cell carcinoma of the lung. Biologic and clinical impl...Diamine oxidase (histaminase). A circulating marker for rat intestinal mucosal maturation and integrity.[Heparin release in anaphylactic shock in the guinea pig, and its relation to anaphylactic histaminase liberation]Histaminase release from human eosinophils.Histaminase activity in patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis.BENZYLAMINE OXIDASE AND HISTAMINASE: PURIFICATION AND CRYSTALLIZATION OF AN ENZYME FROM PIG PLASMAHistamine metabolism : II. Cellular and subcellular localization of the catabolic enzymes, histaminase and histamine methyl transfer...Localization of histaminase (diamine oxidase) in rat small intestinal mucosa: Site of release by heparin