- She was used to her mother's histrionics.
Historical HistrionicsVisual Histrionics: Shepard's Theatre of the First WallQuartilla's Histrionics in Petronius, "Satyrica"16.1-26.6Histrionics, vignettes and quartets: A syndrome of stress in heart surgeons.Romantic Drama: Acting: histrionics, and dissimulationHysteria and Histrionics: Nietzsche, Wagner and the Pathology of GeniusMelodramatic Histrionics Bernhard Anselm Weber, 'Ich bin geliebt' (Sulmalle), SulmalleEMBRYONIC HISTRIONICS: A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE BUSH STEM CELL FUNDING POLICY AND THE CONGRESSIONAL ALTERNATIVE"The survival of the fittest is our doctrine": history or histrionics?The Nāṭyaśāstra (a treatise on ancient Indian dramaturgy and histrionics)