Rocognition of Time Series based on the Noise Reduction by using the Adaptive Filters and the Hodden Markov Model and its ApplicationsBOOKS: Duty Calls: It's Humphrys to the Rescue of Language; Lost for Words by John Humphrys, Hodden & Stoughton, Pounds 14.99Method for mechanical pulp productionGeographic Variation in Ovarian Cycles and Clutch Size in Cnemidophorus tigris (Teiidae)Theory of Mind Training in Children with Autism: A Randomized Controlled TrialRelative torque contribution of vastus medialis muscle at different knee anglesThe Demography of the Lizard, Uta stansburiana Baird and Girard, in Southern NevadaChemInform Abstract: Kinetics and Mechanism of the Substitution Reactions of the Pentacyanoaquoruthenate(II) Ion with Nitrogen Heter...Kinetics and mechanism of the ligand substitution reactions of pentacyano(ligand)ruthenate(II) complexesDensity and Composition of Fenced Populations of Leopard Lizards (Crotaphytus wislizenii) in Southern Nevada