- The Barber wanted the Boy to hold still so he could get a straight haircut.
理发师希望男孩静止不动以便他能剪发。 - Yet a very little observation shows that the moon is not standing still.
Hold still!
Hold Still
Going live to the beating heart
Board Certifications and is the Executive Officer of ProLab Orthotics in Napa, CA. Earliest Efforts
Electrical activity of the hippocampus and cortex in dogs operantly trained to move and to hold still.
Hold still while I measure your attitude: Assessment in the throes of ambivalence
Hold still while I measure your attitude: assessment in the throes of ambivalence
Teaching physiotherapy students to "be content with a body that refuses to hold still".
Hold Still: A Memoir with Photographs
Uten lovlig opphold = uten rettigheter? Tilværelsen til migranter uten oppholdstillatelse i lys av normativ teori om rettferdighet
Begrenset oppholdstillatelse til enslige mindreårige asylsøkere: En vurdering av utlendingsforskriften § 8-8 i lys av barnekonven...
Tilbakekall av statsborgerskap og permanent oppholdstillatelse utenfor tilfeller av eget svik - I strid med retten til respekt for p...