Digital PLL with conditional holdover
Detecting holdover fires with the AGA Thermovision 750 infrared scanner
Efficient predictive estimator for holdover in GPS-based clock synchronization
Scheduling the truck holdover recurrent dock cross-dock problem using robust meta-heuristics
Holdover Inoculum of Pseudomonas syringae pv. alisalensis from Broccoli Raab Causes Disease in Subsequent Plantings
Aircraft Ground De/Anti-Icing Fluid Holdover Time Field Testing Program for the 1998-99 Winter
한국형발사체용 위성항법수신기의 시각동기신호 Holdover 성능분석
Range and Movement of Resident Holdover and Hatchery Brown Trout Tagged with Radio Transmitters in the Farmington River, Connecticut
870 micron Imaging of a Transitional Disk in Upper Scorpius: Holdover from the Era of Giant Planet Formation?
Invictokoala monticola gen. et sp. nov. (Phascolarctidae, Marsupialia), a Pleistocene plesiomorphic koala holdover from Oligocene an...