TINJAUAN YURIDIS PEMBAYARAN KLAIM TABUNGAN HAJI MITRA MABRUR PADA P.T. ASURANSI BUMIPUTERA 1912 SYARIAH CABANG JEMBERAplikasi Game Mimpi Buruk Berbasis AndroidElectro-Optic Effect of Gallium ArsenideThe Pockels Effect of HexamethylenetetramineIdentification of two unique polypeptides from dog kidney outer cortex and outer medulla that exhibit different Na + / d -glucose co...Electro-Optic Effect in (NH4)2Cd2(SO4)3 and (NH4)2Mn2(SO4)3Bonded synthetic mica laminateRisk factors associated with contact lens complications in a university based clinicMicrobiome of contact lens cases following corneal infiltrative eventsA computational fluid dynamic study of subsonic compressible flow in a labyrinth seal