Kemampuan Fission Teripang Holothuria edulis dan Holothuria leucospilota (Holothuridae) Ukuran Yang Berbeda Di Kepulauan Karimunj...Influence of deposit-feeder (Holothuridae) on carbonate sedimentsToksisitas Ekstrak Empat Jenis Teripang Suku Holothuridae Dari Pulau Penjaliran Timur, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Menggunakan Brine ...STUDI EKOLOGI KOMUNITAS TERUIPANG (HOLOTHURIDAE) DALAM PENERAPAN SISTEM OMBO DI PERAIRAN PANTAI DESA WABULA KECAMATAN WABULA KABUPAT...List of the Holothuridae from the deep-sea dredgings of the United States Coast SurveyThe Proceedings of the Technical workshop on the conservation of sea cucumbers in the families Holothuridae and StichopodidaeConservation and trade in sea cucumbers in the families Holothuridae and StichopodidaeIdentifying coral reef fish larvae through DNA barcoding: A test case with the families Acanthuridae and HolocentridaeMonogenea of the genus Haliotrema Johnston et Tiegs, 1922, from the gills of fishes (Holocentridae and Acanthuridae) of the Gulf of ...Taxonomy of the heavily exploited Indo‐Pacific sandfish complex (Echinodermata: Holothuriidae)