Homogamous and heterogamous marriagesCollege students' homogamous preferences for a date and mateFertility differences between homogamous and heterogamous matings.Survival Rates among Religiously Homogamous and Interreligious MarriagesTransnational and Homogamous Couples in Italy: Gender Heterogeneities and Mate Selection PatternsHomogamous assortative mating among Puerto Rican families: intergenerational processes and the migration experience.The phenology of gender in homogamous flowers: temporal change in the residual sex function of flowers of oil-seed rape (Brassica na...Comparison of AFLP Polymorphism in Progeny Derived from Dichogamous and Homogamous Walnut GenotypesPartner selection and divorce in ethnic minorities: distinguishing between two types of ethnic homogamous marriages.Transnational and Homogamous Couples in Italy: Gender Heterogeneities and Mate Selection Patterns Coppie transnazionali ed omogame i...