Flow rate and inorganic components of submandibular saliva in cystic fibrosis.Large-scale parallelism for constraint-based local search: the costas array case studyA Theoretical Framework for Modeling the Chemomechanical Behavior of Unsaturated SoilsTourenplanung mittelständischer Speditionsunternehmen in Stückgutkooperationen: Modellierung und heuristische Lösungsverfahren早期療育到宅服務實施之研究-以臺北縣為例Complications de l'endoscopie digestive : gastroscopie et coloscopieLanguage and Its Effects on Advertising Modality: The Case of Chinese and EnglishCaMeRa : A computational mode of multiple representationsPrimary Cilia and Inner Ear Sensory EpitheliaCross-Sectional Imaging of the Abdominal Wall