- In Norse mythology, Odin the gift-bringer, swept across the night sky in a chariot drawn by horses.
The dynamics of transitions in socio-technical systems: A multi-level analysis of the transition pathway from horse-drawn carriages ...The Emergence of the Light, Horse-Drawn Chariot in the Near-East c. 2000-1500 B.C.The Carriage Trade: Making Horse-Drawn Vehicles in America (review)Hitch for a single-shaft horse-drawn vehicleHorse-Drawn Cabs and Omnibuses in Paris: The Idea of Circulation and the Business of Public Transit by Nicholas PapayanisHorse-Drawn Transport in the German ArmyThe carriage trade: Making horse-drawn vehicles in AmericaHARNESSING DEVICE FOR SINGLE SHAFT HORSE-DRAWN VEHICLEHeat's Not Fit for Man or Beast; Mindful of Animals, Authorities Rein in Horse-Drawn Carriages, Limiting Rides to after 8 P.mThe carriage trade : making horse-drawn vehicles in America