- It's like when we removed the horses to make horseless carriages, they took away the only intelligent part of the carriage.
The Evolution of MUTCDThe mind at AI: horseless carriage to clockThe Horseless Carriage Stage: replacing conventional measuresThe Mind at AI: Horseless Carriage to Clock.Square peg in a round hole or horseless carriage? Reflections on the use of computing in architectureThe mind at AI: Horseless carriage, card trick, mousetrap, clock.Beyond the Horseless Carriage: Harnessing the Potential of ICT in Education and TrainingThe Competent Horseman in a Horseless World: Observations on a Conventional Metaphor in Spanish and EnglishPilotless aircraft: the horseless carriage of the twenty‐first century?Riding the Horseless Carriage to the Computer Revolution: Teaching History in the Twenty-first Century