hospitality, hostility
We enjoyed the hospitality of friends at their country home.朋友们在乡下的居所热情地招待了我们,使我们过得很愉快。
You can feel the hostility coming from that man.你可以感觉到那个人的敌意。
- I feel no hostility towards anyone.
我对任何人均无敌意。 - There is open hostility between the two leaders.
两位领导人表现出公开的敌意。 - We should turn hostility into friendship.
我们应该化干戈为玉帛。 - Gay men and lesbians say there is less overt hostility than in the west and certainly less physical harassment.
Hostility in Takeovers: In the Eyes of the Beholder?
Proposed hostility and Pharisaic-virtue scales for the MMPI.
Hostility, CHD incidence, and total mortality: a 25-year follow-up study of 255 physicians.
The Cook-Medley Hostility scale: Item content and ability to predict survival.
An Inventory for Assessing Diferent Kinds of Hostility
An inventory for assessing different kinds of hostility.
Meta-analytic review of research on hostility and physical health.
The Association of Anger and Hostility With Future Coronary Heart Disease : A Meta-Analytic Review of Prospective Evidence
The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, and school performance
International corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance : The moderating effect of international environmental hostility