- Like Bernard Shaw, he has tickled his readers' funny bone with a cultural hotfoot.
他和萧伯纳一样,以文化觉醒来撩拨读者的兴趣。 - He hotfooted it out of town.
Hot foot
Hot foot
hot foot
Hotfoot Mouse Mutations Affect the δ2 Glutamate Receptor Gene and Are Allelic to Lurcher
Mutation in hotfoot-4J mice results in retention of delta2 glutamate receptors in ER
A hot spot for hotfoot mutations in the gene encoding the delta2 glutamate receptor
Ho15J: a new hotfoot allele in a hot spot in the gene encoding the delta2 glutamate receptor.
Analysis of the hotfoot (ho) locus by creation of an insertional mutation in a transgenic mouse.
CNS monoamine levels and motoric behaviors in the hotfoot ataxic mutant.
GluRδ2 Expression in the Mature Cerebellum of Hotfoot Mice Promotes Parallel Fiber Synaptogenesis and Axonal Competition
Motor coordination in mice with hotfoot, Lurcher, and double mutations of the Grid2 gene encoding the delta-2 excitatory amino acid ...
Early-onset autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia associated with retinal dystrophy: new human hotfoot phenotype caused by homozygou...
Neurobiological effects of a null mutation depend on genetic context: comparison between two hotfoot alleles of the delta-2 ionotrop...