- He was boiling over with rage at his humiliation.
他发现自己蒙受耻辱,不禁勃然大怒。 - I could not bear the humiliation of failure.
我无法忍受失败的耻辱。 - Pen forgot his humiliation in his surprise.
Shame and humiliation in the medical encounter.
Fresh humiliation for eurozone as China says it will bail out debt-ridden nations
Fear of humiliation inhibits women's care-seeking behaviour for long-term urinary incontinence.
Loss, humiliation and entrapment among women developing depression: a patient and non-patient comparison.
National Humiliation, History Education, and the Politics of Historical Memory: Patriotic Education Campaign in China
Zheng Wang. Never Forget National Humiliation: Historical Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations.
Zheng Wang. Never Forget National Humiliation: Historical Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations.
Unrequited love: On heartbreak, anger, guilt, scriptlessness, and humiliation
The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy
Life Event Dimensions of Loss, Humiliation, Entrapment, and Danger in the Prediction of Onsets of Major Depression and Generalized A...