sense of humor幽默感,幽默
good humor n. 高兴;心情好
black humor黑色幽默(一种病态或异乎寻常的幽默)
aqueous humor房水;水状液;眼房水
gallows humor 充满怨恨的幽默;化解严重场面或僵局的幽默(等于gallows humour)
ill humor n. 怒气;不悦
- The black humor is overwhelming in that novel.
那部小说有太多荒诞的幽默。 - I like your sense of humor.
我喜欢你的幽默感。 - His new novel is tinged with thinnish humor.
他的新小说略带诙谐。 - She smiled him into a good humor.
她对他微笑使他心情好转。 - Jack was late was in a bad humor.
- It's not always wise to humor a small child.
迁就小孩子不总是明智的。 - I have to confess I took the exam to humor my mom.
我承认,我参加考试只是为了让迁就我妈妈而已。 - Harry decided to humor Fred by acting like he was grossed out by the toffee.
哈利假装吃太妃糖时呕吐,以此让弗雷高兴一下。 - Don't force the lock, you must humor it.
Humor and the search for relevance ☆
Humor modulates the mesolimbic reward centers.
Linguistic Theories of Humor
Linguistic Theories of Humor
The psychology of humor: An integrative approach.
4 Resolution in Puns : Linguistic Theories of Humor
The semantic foundations of cognitive theories of humor.
Identifying Global and Culture-Specific Dimensions of Humor in Advertising: A Multinational Analysis
Individual differences in uses of humor and their relation to psychological well-being: Development of the Humor Styles Questionnaire
Increased levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin-6 in the aqueous humor of diabetics with macular edema.