- He leaned back in his chair and laughed at the unconscious drollery of her reply.
Truth by drolleryLove and drolleryCovent Garden Drollery (1732–1734)SHE TURNS DRUDGERY INTO DROLLERYPhilosophic Drollery in Letters from the EarthThe Drollery Letters Number One: The Case of the Devil's IntervalThe Bite of Leviathan: Hobbes and Philosophic Drollery"Scotch Drollery"in the Marketplace: Dr. Alexander Hamilton's Amusing Instruction in the "Maryland Gazette"The Pragmatics Mechanism of the Production of Linguistic Humor in Afant's Drollery StoriesMusick &; Poetry Mixed in Variety of Songs and Poems Consisting of Love, Honour, Rallery and Drollery / Composed by Tho. Jordan. (16...