The Flow of Water Through GravelsUNIFIED FACILITIES CRITERIA (UFC) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: docDIVISION S-1 — SOIL PHYSICS Vertical Hydraulic Gradient and Run-On Water and Sediment Effects on Erosion Processes and Sediment Reg...the seal is ~67,000 m and hydraulic gradient across the seal is: dh/dz ~ 67,000 m / h (S4)hydraulic gradientHydraulic GradientPeriphyton responses to a hydraulic gradient in a regulated river in New ZealandStonefly predation along a hydraulic gradient: a field test of the harsh - benign hypothesis.Vertical hydraulic gradient and run-on water and sediment effects on erosion processes and sediment regimes.Determining the Mean Hydraulic Gradient of Ground Water Affected by Tidal Fluctuations