A Chondrophorine (Medusoid Hydrozoan) from the Basal Cambrian (Placentian) of NewfoundlandThe role of polarity in the development of the hydrozoan planula larvaThe recognition, distribution and ultrastructure of hydrozoan nerve elementsMitochondrial evolution and phylogeography in the hydrozoan Obelia geniculata (Cnidaria)Serotonin plays an early role in the metamorphosis of the hydrozoan Phialidium gregariumGenetic analysis reveals multiple cryptic invasive species of the hydrozoan genus CordylophoraMorphological chimeras of larvae and adults in a hydrozoan--insights into the control of pattern formation and morphogenesisAre Hox genes ancestrally involved in axial patterning? Evidence from the hydrozoan Clytia hemisphaerica (Cnidaria)Stages of Larval Development and Stem Cell Population Changes during Metamorphosis of a Hydrozoan PlanulaThe analysis of paternity and maternity in the marine hydrozoan Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus using randomly amplified polymorphic D...