PARAESTHESIAE AND HYPAESTHESIA FOLLOWING PROLONGED HIGH-FREQUENCY STIMULATION OF CUTANEOUS AFFERENTSThe protective effects of methyl cellulose and conoid shields for lagophthalmos and corneal hypaesthesia in leprosy.Delayed appearance of hypaesthesia and paralysis after femoral nerve blocksevere lesion of median/hypaesthesia/hand in causalgia of medianIllustratons of Hypaesthesia (Anaesthesia) of the Throat.The hemi 3 syndrome. Hemihypertrophy, hemihypaesthesia, hemiareflexia and scoliosisPostoperative transient hemihypaesthesia and severe headache associated with caffeine withdrawal.Selective hemihypaesthesia due to tentorial coup injury against dorsolateral midbrain: potential cause of sensory impairment after c...Facial pain, scotomas and hemihypaesthesia as presenting symptoms of type A aortic dissection in a patient with migraine with aura.Painful dysaesthesias following peripheral nerve injury: a clinical and electrophysiological study