hypersensibility[Food hypersensibility: inhalation reactions are different from ingestion reactions]Food hypersensibility: inhalation's reactions are different from ingestion's reactions.Regulation by the H-2 complex of delayed type hypersensibilityLLLT in treating dentinary hypersensibility: a histologic study and clinical applicationLLLT in treating dentinary hypersensibility: a histologic study and clinical application[Risk factors for Abacavir-induced hypersensibility syndrome in the "real world"].DEVICE FOR THE EVALUATION OF DRUG-INDUCED HYPERSENSIBILITY OF RESPIRATORY DUCTSKey role of the dorsal root ganglion in neuropathic tactile hypersensibilityThe cancer process as a type of immunocomplex hypersensibility involving C3b, natural killer cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent cel...