HYPERSUSCEPTIBILITY.hypersusceptibilityhypersusceptibilityCell wall monoglycine cross-bridges and methicillin hypersusceptibility in a femAB null mutant of methicillin-resistant Staphylococc...The clinical relevance of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor hypersusceptibility: a prospective cohort analysisFURTHER STUDIES ON BACTERIAL HYPERSUSCEPTIBILITY. IIDiscovery of a highly synergistic anthelmintic combination that shows mutual hypersusceptibilityHypersusceptibility of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa nfxB mutant to beta-lactams due to reduced expression of the ampC beta-lactamaseGenetic correlates of efavirenz hypersusceptibility.Engineered resistance and hypersusceptibility through functional metabolic studies of 100 genes in soybean to its major pathogen, th...