- The dash is longer than the hyphen.
破折号比连字号长。 - Use a hyphen inside a character set to specify a range.
Self, the hyphen between culture and subjective well-being.Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein‐1An avalanche|[hyphen]|photodiode-based photon-number-resolving detectorThe Ly‐6A (Sca‐1) GFP Transgene is Expressed in all Adult Mouse Hematopoietic Stem CellsTargeted Genome Modifications Using Integrase|[hyphen]|deficient Lentiviral VectorsPodocytes are the major source of IL|[hyphen]|1|[alpha]| and IL|[hyphen]|1|[beta]| in human glomerulonephritidesMolecular Therapy - Targeted Genome Modifications Using Integrase[hyphen]deficient Lentiviral VectorsAngiotensin|[hyphen]|converting enzyme gene polymorphism in non|[hyphen]|insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and its relationship wi...Histomorphometric and removal torque analysis for TiO 2 hyphen;blasted titanium implants. An experimental study on dogs.RELATIONSHIP OF THE ORDER APIALES TO SUBCLASS ASTERIDAE: A RE[hyphen]EVALUATION OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS BASED ON INSIGHTS FROM M...