Do psyhiatric out-patients take their drugs?Pediatric Transplantation in the United States, 1997–2006The fifth edition: Self-directed physiatric education program (SDPEP) 2002The fourth edition: Self-Directed Physiatric Education Program (SDPEP) 1999P REHOSPITAL C ARE AND O UTCOME OF P EDIATRIC O UT - OF - HOSPITAL C ARDIAC A RRESTMerits and shortcomings of the , 5th Edition : A physiatric perspectiveBetween iatrotropic stimulus and interiatric referral: the domain of primary care research.Determining efficacy of therapeutic intervention in neurosychiatric diseaseCalcipotriol cream combined with twice weekly broad-band UVB phototherapy: a safe, effective and UVB-sparing antipsoriatric combinat...Treatment of obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS): effect of weight loss and interference of otorhinolaryngoi...