Institute for BioEngineering of Catalonia (IBEC)Serum antimullerian hormone levels remain stable throughout the menstrual cycle and after oral or vaginal administration of syntheti...Sensors and algorithms for the construction of digital 3-D colour models of real objectsUndetectable serum anti-Mullerian hormone levels and occurrence of ongoing pregnancy.Intermediate and premutation alleles in women with occult primary ovarian insufficiencyHuman follicular fluid heparan sulfate contains abundant 3-O-sulfated chains with anticoagulant activity.Undetectable serum antiContinued global expansion for Witwood Food Products. (Company Evolution).New tools for optimizing endometrial receptivity in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation: aromatase inhibitors and LH/(mini)hCG.Hematocolpos secondary to imperforate hymen, contribution of transrectal echography