- Large pieces of wood do not ignite easily.
大块木材是不易着火的。 - Ammonia-air mixtures are quite difficult to ignite.
- The burning gases can ignite the lean mixture.
燃烧着的气体能点燃稀的混合气。 - What can you do to ignite your own passion?
有什么办法可以点燃你的热情? - You ignite a match by scratching it.
划火柴就可让火柴燃起来。 - Don't back down but don't ignite the situation.
Compression-Ignited Homogeneous Charge Combustion
Lightning-ignited forest fires in northwestern Ontario
Automotive spark-ignited direct-injection gasoline engines
PROGRESS IN ENERGY AND Automotive spark-ignited direct-injection gasoline engines
The inevitability of engine-out NO x emissions from spark-ignited and diesel engines
Effect of fuel structure on emissions from a spark-ignited engine. 2. Naphthene and aromatic fuels
Trial of New Concept Diesel Combustion System - Premixed Compression-Ignited Combustion -
A Review of Mixture Preparation and Combustion Control Strategies for Spark-Ignited Direct-Injection Gasoline Engines
Using machine learning to analyze factors determining cycle-to-cycle variation in a spark-ignited gasoline engine
Excitation of the toroidicity‐induced shear Alfvén eigenmode by fusion alpha particles in an ignited tokamak