- And you'll usually end up cheating in the classes you are least prepared for.
Ill-preparedIll-PreparedThe ill-prepared US workforce: exploring the challenges of employer-provided workforce readiness trainingIll-prepared for the labour market: Health status in a sample of single mothers on welfareGlobal well-posedness of 3-D inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations with ill-prepared initial dataStability of Large Amplitude Ekman-Hartmann Boundary Layers in MHD : The Case of Ill-Prepared DataThe zero-electron-mass limit in the Euler–Poisson system for both well- and ill-prepared initial dataGlobal well-posedness for 3D Navier-Stokes equations with ill-prepared initial dataGlobal well-posedness for 3D Navier鈥揝tokes equations with ill-prepared initial dataStudents Ill-Prepared for College, ACT Warns