Research and Development of Illuming-rule-based Reasoning Multimedia Platform for Agricultural Intelligent System DevelopmentElaborately programming,carefully illuming and studiously cultivating:Reform and practice in the experiment teaching of electric cir...LED Light Illuming up Realization Based on S3C2440 Embedded Development Board'Assume we are competent': Illuming world about disabilityUmbrellas capable of illumingILLUMINATIVE BALLIntegrated illumination for marketing process and apparatus基于启发式规则推理的多媒体农业专家系统开发平台的开发与研究Phase deviation analysis and phase retrieval for partial intensity saturation in phase-shifting projected fringe profilometry ☆The first metagenome of activated sludge from full-scale anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) nitrogen and phosphorus removal reactor using I...