- He is well-known as an illustrator of children's books.
他是个著名的儿童书籍插图画家。 - I am an industrial designer / technical illustrator .
Animation illustrator
Illustrator's pen-holder desk set and components thereof
DOG 1.0: illustrator of protein domain structures
Pill sample illustrator, and weekly medicine box
A Problem of the Illustrator of Shikatabanashi
Robert Carswell: the first illustrator of MS
IBS: an illustrator for the presentation and visualization of biological sequences
Adobe Illustrator 5.5 for Sun - Adobe Systems' illustration and page design software - Brief Article - Product Announcement
Dynamic three‐dimensional illustrator for teaching descriptive geometry and training visualisation skills
Dorcas Hager Padget: neuroembryologist and neurosurgical illustrator trained at Johns Hopkins.