- The result is very closely to that by the normal imbibition method.
Rapid imbibition of fluids in carbon nanotubes.Imbibition Oil Recovery from Fractured, Water-Drive ReservoirThe effect of lead on seed imbibition and germination in different plant speciesCalculation of Imbibition Relative Permeability for Two and Three-Phase Flow From Rock PropertiesDrainage and Imbibition Relative Permeability Relationships for Supercritical CO2/Brine and H2S/Brine Systems in Intergranular Sands...Control of seed dormancy in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia: post-imbibition abscisic acid synthesis imposes dormancy maintenance.Comparison of the effects of water deprivation and sodium chloride imbibition on the hormone content of the neurohypophysis of the ratGibberellin regulates seed germination via , a -like gene whose expression is up-regulated following imbibitionActivation of gibberellin biosynthesis and response pathways by low temperature during imbibition of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds.An Intermediate Category of Seed Storage Behaviour?II. EFFECTS OF PROVENANCE, IMMATURITY, AND IMBIBITION ON DESICCATION-TOLERANCE IN...