- He made an impassioned speech in our school.
他在我们学校做了一次慷慨激昂的演讲。 - He kept this impassioned doings a secret almost from himself
Impassioned Belief
Michael Ridge, Impassioned Belief
The Impassioned Life:Reason and Emotion in the Christian Tradition
Turbulent luminance in impassioned van Gogh paintings
Impassioned Mother or Passive Icon: The Virgin's Role in Late Medieval and Early Modern Passion Sermons
Toward a Tapestry of Impassioned Voices: Incorporating Praxis into Teaching about Families
International Service LearningA Critical Guide From an Impassioned Advocate
Anger and retaliation: Toward an understanding of impassioned conflict in organizations
Science Is Not Your Enemy: An impassioned plea to neglected novelists, embattled professors, and tenure-less historians
Still stuck in "A love-hate relationship": Understanding journalists' enduring and impassioned duality towards public relations