- Join two boards with nails; joined hands in a circle.
用钉子把两块板钉在一起; 手拉手围成一个圈
An O ( n log n ) unidirectional distributed algorithm for extrema finding in a circle
Scaling behavior in a map of a circle onto itself: Empirical results
Dense packings of congruent circles in a circle
Surface mount chip package having an array of solder ball contacts arranged in a circle and conductive pin contacts arranged outside...
The cohomologies of the lie algebra of the vector fields in a circle
The Densest Packing of 13 Congruent Circles in a Circle
The Densest Packing of 19 Congruent Circles in a Circle
Efficiently packing unequal disks in a circle
Areas of polygons inscribed in a circle
Efficiently packing unequal disks in a circle