- It is a statement in conflict with other evidence.
这一陈述与其他证词不一致。 - I don't agree with Phil on many things.
Recent data are not in conflict with homocysteine as a cardiovascular risk factor.
The German University. A Heroic Ideal in Conflict with the Modern World.
The German University: A Heroic Ideal in Conflict with the Modern World
Options for the control of elephants in conflict with people
Consumer efficiency in conflict with GDP growth
Troubles With Identity: Obstacles to Coexistence Education in Conflict Ridden Societies
Denmark - Are the Danish CFC Rules in Conflict with the Freedom of Establishment? – An Analysis of the Danish CFC Regime for Compan...
VOicing Interests and ConcErns: NATURA 2000: an ecological network in conflict with people.
Zero tolerance: A policy in conflict with current opinion on aggression and violence management in health care
Eye proprioception used for visual localization only if in conflict with the oculomotor plan.