- Knowing he had many enemies, he went about in fear of his life.
当知道他有许多敌人时,他开始担心他的性命。 - As her husband became more and more violent every time he had too much to drink, the poor woman went in fear of her life.
Approach and avoidance in fear of spiders
Reduction in fear of falling through intense tai chi exercise training in older, transitionally frail adults.
Speeded detection and increased distraction in fear of spiders: evidence from eye movements.
A randomized controlled trial of intervention in fear of childbirth.
Age, Sex, and Social Factors in Fear of Crime
Inter-Individual Variability in Fear of Humans and Relative Brain Size of the Species Are Related to Contemporary Urban Invasion in ...
An evaluation of midwives' counseling of pregnant women in fear of childbirth
In Fear of Security. Australia's Invasion Anxiety
Are older people most afraid of crime? Reconsidering age differences in fear of victimization.
An evaluation of midwives counselling of pregnant women in fear of delivery