- They often made fun of me for this.
为此他们常和我开玩笑。 - He is not in the humor for making jokes.
Incidence of hemorrhage associated with electrophysiological studies performed using macroelectrodes and microelectrodes in function...
Finding the funds in fun runs: exploring physical activity events as fundraising tools in the nonprofit sector
Thermal illness in fun running
Produção de raízes de batata-doce em função do uso de doses de N aplicadas no solo e via foliar Yield of sweet potato roots in ...
Is the nominate subspecies of the common crossbill Loxia c. curvirostra polytypic? II. Differentiation among vocal types in function...
Dynamic modelling of time series data in nutritional metabonomics — A powerful complement to randomized clinical trials in function...
More Tame Than Maim Sparring Lovers Know Where to Drawl the Line in Fun, Wild West Version of 'Shrew'
Energy requirements for pigment aggregation in Fun- duJus melanophores, Cell Motil. 4:431-441
Fun in Slots
43 degrees C in fun runners!