Oscillator circuits and methods that change frequency in inverse proportion to power source voltageOscillator circuits and methods that change frequency in inverse proportion to power source voltageFinkelstein report: Volume of media vitriol in inverse proportion to amount of evidencePotential of a Model Derived from the Regulatory Trend of Snow Removal Unit Cost Decrease in Inverse Proportion to Cumulative Snowfa...POTENTIAL OF A MODEL DERIVED FROM THE REGULATORY TREND OF SNOW REMOVAL UNIT COST DECREASE IN INVERSE PROPORTION TO CUMULATIVE SNOWFA...SHEAR DEFORMATION IN INVERSE PROPORTION TO SHEAR RIGIDITY AND SHEAR STRESS DISTRIBUTION OF BENDING BEAMS WITH SYMMETRIC CROSS SECTIONSCorona Charge Injection Prior to Sparkover in an Inversed Rod-Plane Gap Under Composite VoltagesNew Developments in Histopathological Studies on Adhesive Resinous Materials Having a Calcification Promoting Function as Direct Pul...RELATIONS OF YIELD OF FIBER FLAX TO GROWTH BEHAVIOR AND CLIMATOLOGICAL CONDITIONS IN HOKKAIDOTunneling gate oxide approach to ultra-high current drive in small geometry MOSFETs