A control region in the center of the 5S RNA gene directs specific initiation of transcription: I. The 5′ border of the regionOn the nature of the dark mass in the centre of the Milky WayA control region in the center of the 5S RNA gene directs specific initiation of transcription: II. The 3鈥border of the regionThe M-band: an elastic web that crosslinks thick filaments in the center of the sarcomereNanopolaritons: vacuum Rabi splitting with a single quantum dot in the center of a dimer nanoantenna.The Structure of Aquaporin-1 at 4.5-Å Resolution Reveals Short α-Helices in the Center of the MonomerInflammation, HCC and sex: IL-6 in the centre of the triangle ☆A relict landscape in the centre of Fennoscandian glaciation: cosmogenic radionuclide evidence of tors preserved through multiple gl...The Dark Mass in the Center of the Milky WayInformation Literacy and Higher Education: Placing the Academic Library in the Center of a Comprehensive Solution