Testing an "in-out"targeting procedure for making subtle genomic modifications in mouse embryonic stem cells.An "In-Out"Strategy Using Gene Targeting and FLP Recombinase for the Functional Dissection of Complex DNA Regulatory Elements: Anal...Management of postoperative urinary retention: a randomized trial of in-out versus overnight catheterizationRotary electric machine of the in-out type provided with integral stator supporting means, component for said machine and method for...‘Horror vacui’ or topological in-out isomerism in perhydrogenated fullerenes: C 60 H 60 and monoalkylated perhydrogenated fullere...Simultaneous freezing of chirality and in-out conformation of a macropentacyclic cryptand by protonation.In-out intermittency in partial differential equation and ordinary differential equation modelsTwo distinct apolipoprotein B alleles in mice generated by a single 'in-out' targeting.In-out intermittency in PDE and ODE models of axisymmetric mean-field dynamosIn-out automatic vehicle washing apparatus