inclined shaft斜井;斜坑
inclined plane n. 斜面
inclined angle倾斜角;夹角
inclined surface斜面
inclined hole斜孔,斜炮眼;斜井
inclined fault倾斜断层
- He inclined to your opinion on that matter.
关于那个问题,他倾向于你的观点。 - Most of us are inclined to the second view.
The displacement fields of inclined faults
'Inclined abstainers': a problem for predicting health-related behaviour
Prism sheet having inclined ridges and liquid crystal display using the same
Inclined heterolithic stratification—Terminology, description, interpretation and significance
Scaling laws in granular flows down rough inclined planes
Pressures Around an Inclined Ogive Cylinder with Laminar, Transitional, or Turbulent Separation
The Inclined Errors and Countermeasures of Urban Green Space System Planning in China:?The research on indices system of the urban g...
Determination of Reasonable Resistance of Hydraulic Support in Steep Inclined Sublevel Mining
Infrared spectra of crystalline polysaccharides. IV. The use of inclined incidence in the study of oriented films
Application of controlling technology for high stress area of Coal pillar in fully mechanized caving face of steeply inclined thick ...