Contribution of Local Incoherency on Gilbert-Damping
Executing incoherency bounded continuous queries at web data aggregators
Structural incoherency and structure reversal in bimetallic Au-Pd nanoclusters
Wave passage and incoherency effects on seismic response of high arch dams
Method and apparatus to avoid incoherency between a cache memory and flash memory
Influence of earthquake ground motion incoherency on multi-support structures
Distance-based Measures of Inconsistency and Incoherency for Description Logics
Onset of incoherency and defect introduction in the initial stages of molecular beam epitaxical growth of highly strained InxGa1−xA...
Role of reversal incoherency in reducing switching field and switching field distribution of exchange coupled composite bit patterne...
Bridge circuit for preventing data incoherency by holding off propagation of data transfer completion interrupts until data clears t...