- Constancy is therefore inconstancy held in check and confined to the same object.
因此恒定不变就是将易变控制与局限在同一个对象上。 - Constancy in love is perpetual inconstancy, inasmuch as the heart is drawn to one quality after another in the beloved, now preferring this, now that.
Inconstancy /
CMC 2002 colour inconstancy index; CMCCON02
Inconstancy of Taylor'sb: Simulated sampling with different quadrat sizes and spatial distributions
A chromatic adaptation transform and a colour inconstancy index
Correction for the Inconstancy of the Chronopotentiometric Constant at Short Transition Times.
Inconstancy in predator/prey ratios in Quaternary large mammal communities of Italy, with an appraisal of mechanisms
Chapter 34. Chromatic Adaptation Transforms and a Colour Inconstancy Index
Neurophysiologic mechanisms underlying perceptual inconstancy in autistic and schizophrenic children
Perceptual inconstancy in early infantile autism. The syndrome of early infant autism and its variants including certain cases of ch...