incoordinateincoordinateManagement of Incoordinate Uterine Action under Continuous Epidural AnalgesiaACE inhibitors unmask incoordinate diastolic wall motion in restrictive left ventricular disease.Experimental Research on Incoordinate Deformation Between Existing Subgrade and the Widening OneIncomplete filling and incoordinate contraction as mechanisms of syncope in ventricular tachycardiaAngiographic demonstration of incoordinate motion of the ventricular wall after the Fontan operation.Incomplete filling and incoordinate contraction as mechanisms of hypotension during ventricular tachycardia in man.Method for Evaluating Regional Ventricular Function and Incoordinate Ventricular ContractionAbnormal patterns of intraventricular flow and diastolic filling after the Fontan operation: evidence for incoordinate ventricular w...