- Honest and courage can make you indestructible.
真诚和勇气,能让你无坚不摧. - The amity between these two friends is indestructible.
这两个朋友之间的友谊是牢不可破的。 - Furniture for young children needs to be indestructible.
Indestructible mailbox
Indestructible Strong Unfoldability
NIVSS: A Nearly Indestructible Video Surveillance System
Strongly unfoldable cardinals made indestructible
Indestructible Weakly Compact Cardinals and the Necessity of Supercompactness for Certain Proof Schemata
The Least Measurable Can Be Strongly Compact and Indestructible
Making the supercompactness of κ indestructible under κ-directed closed forcing
Cari Kérényi, ~~Dionysos. Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life~~
Making the supercompactness of $kappa $ indestructible under $kappa $-directed closed forcing.
Control of metaphase I formation in Xenopus oocyte: effects of an indestructible cyclin B and of protein synthesis