- First of all, the system of measure indicatrix on reliability of RCN is found.
本文首先建立了野战地域通信网的可靠性测度指标体系。 - Then the measure indicatrix and the calculation method are determined through analyzing the research content of every aspect and relationships between aspects.
The Kobayashi indicatrix at the center of a circular domain
On slant helix and its spherical indicatrix
On slant helix and its spherical indicatrix
The Traditional and Modern Look at Tissot''s Indicatrix
Relations for optical indicatrix parameters in the conditions of crystal torsion
The Focal Developable and the Binormal Indicatrix of a Nonlightlike Curve in Minkowski 3Space
The Focal Developable and the Binormal Indicatrix of a Nonlightlike Curve in Minkowski 3-space (eng)
Application of Rounded Morris Water Maze and Analysis of Correlated Indicatrix
Singularities of ruled null surfaces of the principal normal indicatrix to a null Cartan curve in de Sitter 3-space
Absolute real-time measurement of particle size distribution with the flying light-scattering indicatrix method