INDURATIVE OR RHEUMATIC HEADACHEIndurative mastopathy: a cause of false-positive mammograms.Indurative Lymphocytic Mastitis in Sheep Infected Naturally with Ovine LentivirusIndurative lymphocytic mastitis in sheep after experimental infection with maedivisna virus.A chronic indurative mastitis in sheep, associated with maedi/visna virus infectionIndurative mastopathy: a benign sclerosing lesion of breast with elastosis which may simulate carcinoma.Clinical features of indurative mastitis caused by caprine arthritis encephalitis virus.Incidence of indurative lymphocytic mastitis in a flock of sheep infected with maedi-visna virus.Indurative und Zerfallsvorgänge in den mediastinalen Lymphknoten im höheren Alter mit Schädigung der benachbarten OrganeSubcutaneous oxygen-ozone therapy in indurative hypodermatitis and in localised lipodystrophies: A clinical study of efficacy and to...