- Drinking tea can inebriate people in summer.
夏季饮茶不当也会让人有醉的感觉。 - I closed my eyes, and inebriated in clear moonlight and faint fragrance .
inebriateInebriate institutions in North America, 1840–1920Home Office Committee On Inebriate LegislationDrinking and Inebriate Behavior in the Admiralty Islands, MelanesiaCommunity Treatment of the Chronic Public Inebriate I:Impact of the San Diego Serial Inebriate Program on Use of Emergency Medical ResourcesDrunkard's refuge: The lessons of the New York State inebriate asylumWretched, Hatless and Miserably Clad: Women and the Inebriate Reformatories from 1900-1913“What shall we do with the inebriate?” asylum treatment and the disease concept of alcoholism in the late nineteenth centuryThe control of alcohol-related aggression: Redirecting the inebriate's attention to socially appropriate conduct