- Relapses of the malady, ineffectiveness of different drug regimens and even resistance to drugs are emerging.
疾病的反复发作,不同药物治疗方案的无效,甚至耐药性正在出现。 - One important variable associated with team effectiveness and ineffectiveness is team gender composition.
The effectiveness of ineffectiveness
The Ineffectiveness of Development Aid on Growth: An Update
Ineffectiveness and poor reliability of arsenic removal plants in West Bengal, India
From Ineffectiveness to Destruction: A Qualitative Study on the Meaning of Negative Leadership
Locus of control as a measure of ineffectiveness in anorexia nervosa.
Chronic hypnotic-drug use. Ineffectiveness, drug-withdrawal insomnia, and dependence
The Effectiveness of Ineffectiveness: A New Approach to Assessing Patterns of Organizational Effectiveness.
Managers' and Investors' Responses to Media Exposure of Board Ineffectiveness
Tourniquet ineffectiveness to reduce the severity of envenoming after Crotalus durissus snake bite in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, ...
The regulation of China’s township and village coal mines: a study of complexity and ineffectiveness