- My heart sink again on viewing the inextricable complexity of this deception.
看到这个骗局的错综复杂,我的心又沉了下来。 - In a difficult, unfortunate, or inextricable position.
The inextricable role of the kidney in hypertension
The Inextricable Link between Age and Criminal History in Sentencing.
Ethics and animal welfare: the inextricable connection.
The inextricable nature of mental and physical health: implications for integrative care.
Infectious disease: Inextricable linkages between human and ecosystem health
1. Introduction: Culture and Nature - The inextricable link
Context for WOC Practice: The Inextricable Connections Between Wound and Continence Care
Science, Values and Animal Welfare: Exploring the 'Inextricable Connection'
The inextricable link between atherosclerosis and prototypical inflammatory diseases rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythem...
The Increasingly Inextricable Relationship between Orthographic and Phonological Coding in Learning to Read: Some Reservations about...